05-15-2008 03:44 PM

Florida Prospects
Posts: 11
The New Age of Florida Basketbball
Has players like Kenny Boynton Jr, Brandon Knight, and Nick Calathes become the new faces of Florida Basketball? If so where do they rank all time? |
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05-23-2008 04:53 PM
coachof theyear
let's get this kids in college
Posts: 2
While being a subscriber to your website I must say that I do enjoy the praise that you give to these young people about their sporting ability. My concern is their grades and their attitude. Along with their stats are they going to college and what is their GPA. I would like to see that included. It is excellant that they are so talented in sports but are they going to college, do the realize that they are now role models. I just want these children to understand were their talents can take them but I also hope they understand who they need to be when they get there.
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